Hola Bloggers,
So the lives of a librarian are on a lot of peoples mind with the new book 'Quite Please' and 'This book is overdue as seen below. Both of which I'm very proud to say are close to the truth.
Let the librarians ban together. That's one thing we can say as librarians is that we are very good at sticking together. LOL. Sand thing is we are always looking for new young blood. BWHAHAHAHA!!!
Teenagers of this age are a must for libraries and we are happy to have some. The gab between technology and the old brick and mortar buildings is widening and librarians as unexpected as it might sound is in fact bridging the gap as we speak!
So without further ado, I am establishing this blog to librarians and libraries alike. Let's rant and rave about our patrons, or volunteers and our staff. It's about time the word got out we aren't the stereotypical!
This blog will be maintained by three separate librarians and assistant librarians kept anonymous so as not to get yelled at by patrons and the like.
Myself: The Egg Wolfing, Exhausted Librarian
My Assistant: The Stoic Librarian
And my other Assistant: The Fun Crafter
So let us being!!!!!
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