How Fast Can You Go?

As a librarian (and people's misconceptions of us) they think we sit around all day reading. (If only that were the truth I'd have that job!) Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Today for example is just plan old hectic. First off, the Census Bureau is using our conference room for training and thus we have a million people here using our computers. Then we have our regulars, (and not so regulars).

Suddenly we have a Naval officer come in to give interviews. (Wait... WHAT?! WHEN DID I AUTHORIZE THAT!!!!!) So we are running from one place to another, the office, the childrens' room, front desk, computer area, book shelves. It's like running a marathon around here!

If there were even a possibility of sitting and relaxing it would be hilarious. I mean I'm writing this on the go, two minutes and then back to work. AAAAHHHH!!! Here comes more patrons!!!

Got to go...


The Egg Wolfing, Exhausted Librarian

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