Do You Have This Book?

Uuuuuuhhhhh..... Let me think...

For a librarian we are always asked this question. (No duh we are in a building full of books.) But the funny thing is that half the time we don't have this book. (Though we like to think we do.) Most often to not we are looking for books that HAVEN'T EVEN COME OUT YET. Let me tell you that can be annoying.

But when we do get the books, oh we can't seem to get them processed fast enough for them. Let me tell you processing books isn't an easy task. If you only knew how long it takes us to type up everything on the imprint page. (It's that weird little page at the beginning of the book with all this weird looking writing on it that only we can read.) Then we have to bar-code, spine label, and laminate the book, or put celophane over the dust jacket, get it in our computers so that you can look it up from your home computers, make sure it's in proper so that WE the librarians can read it, is an eternity long.

So many times I'm putting a laminate over a book when a person looks over my shoulder and says, 'OOOHHH I've been dying to read that, can I have it when you're done?"

I just give them this wild eyed look that says, 'I'm not read it, I'm CREATING it!!!!'

But hey I understand, when a new book comes out that I've been dying to read, I'm usually grabbing before anyone else can. (Hey we read too, why do you think we work here.) A hilarious part about working with other librarians and I'm not kidding when I say we actually time each other to see who's faster.

It's another thing about a librarians day that you don't see.


The Egg Wolfing, Exhausted Librarian

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