Reaching Zen

We just finished putting the children's section back together again!!!  Some little DEAR pulled more books off the shelves then we check out in a month.   All the stuffed animals were scattered from one end to the other, the chairs were overturned.  It was just a mess.  Now all this happened while one parent was on the computer and forgot they had a child with them.  I can just imagine what their house looks like and how much respect for things this child is learning.  I love putting back books kids have read but I don't get paid enough to put up with this.  If it were up to me kids under 6 would not be allowed in the children's section without a parent even though I don't think that would help.  What kind of kids are we raising?  And who cares?  Let's start a movement to keep little kids out of our libraries unless they have parent's who have more maturity then the kids. O.k. now I'm closer to my Zen state again.  Thanks for letting me rant!

The Stoic Librarian

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