This site is for librarians, and libraries alike. If you are a patron and don't like it, then don't comment. If you comment about anything you don't like, and/or 'threaten' us, we will be more then happy to 'DELETE' your comment. As of anything else, we would be happy to put on our blog.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you don't like our blog, then STOP COMING!!! That is all. Now as for the librarians that inhabit this little bit of a blog, we are happy to get things off our chest, let me tell you. We work in an environment that most people take for granted and we are more then welcomed to enlighten you on the need to rant and rave about whatever we so choose.
The Egg Wolfing, Exhausted Librarian:
Is a self proclaimed geek and all around book obsessor.
The Stoic Librarian:
Is an enjoyer of books and gets paid for it too.
The Fun Crafter:
Is the all around good girl.