This library has something offensive to everyone. If you are not offended by something we have, please complain. -- Dorothy Broderick, Contemporary American Writer.

So why the title. I guess because we've been having a problem with people talking about a lot of our Young Adult books, especially our Gossip Girl series, and our Urban series. So what is the problem, again just like my 'Guardian' Post before, censorship is just as prevalent today as it was some ninety years ago.

Don't believe me, then check THIS out.

That's not all, and I can't tell you enough, how if you want your kids, NOT TO READ IT, then check it out yourself first. If you don't like it return it to the library. We are more then willing to take it off your hands, we deal with more Human Rights movements then you can imagine to provide that some of the best and greatest writers are kept on your shelves.

Have you ever read Fahrenheit 451? Well, it might be high time you did. It gives you an idea of what society would be like without controversial books. (Like the Bible people!)

Even John F. Kennedy was quoted saying, "Let there be controversial books, and controversial authors."

Famous people know the meaning of censoring books:

Librarians are very special people. They are the caregivers of the world of the mind, the nurturers of dreams and the defenders of truth. Perhaps no other profession is so marked by the singular generosity of its practitioners." -- Denver Post editorial, March 25, 2000

Librarians are at the heart of opposition to foolish, dangerous, misguided attempts at censoring human expression in our free country. I thank God for their efforts."
-- Author Clyde Edgerton

So now that my rant is almost over, remember next time you come in and say a book shouldn't be on the shelf because of it's content, expect a fight

(Battle Ready) Egg Wolfing, Exhausted Librarian

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