Go Juice

We all need Java and librarians are no different. Though we do sit quite a bit, the truth of the matter is only 50% of our job is sitting. The other half we are running around, doing things that you can only mysteriously imagine. (Though you don't see this while staring at our public computer screens *drooling I might add*.)

So when the half way marker comes for our eight to ten hour days, we are starting to feel our power cells draining. And there is only one way to recharge. That's right! The only legal drug (stimulus) in our great world, COFFEEE!!!!

Like all librarians we do have to have our healthy dose of (one to six) cups of coffee to make it through the rest of the day so that we can deal with the... *clearing throat* patrons and naggers, and complainers, and stinkers, and children running around screaming their lungs out.

So if you ever come into the library and the librarians is a little talkative *or twitchy* there are two reasons:

1. Overload on caffine.
2. Nervous breakdown because of _______________ (Just pick a topic.)

So have faith in the ever wonderful *heavenly spot light* COFFEE!!! *heavens choirs singing.*, and the librarians that consume without thought. ^_^


The Egg Wolfing, (not-so) Exhausted Librarian

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