Computer or No Computer... THAT is the question.

So this is what happened to me yesterday...

Woman comes in ten minutes before opening, I'm the only one there, trying to finish a grant before anyone comes in. It looked like it wasn't going to happen...

Anyhoo, she says, "My what a beautiful library!"


"I would like to use one of your computers today, but I just moved here and need a library card."

So I proceed to hand her our sign up sheet and ask for her drivers license and she does into a shipl about how someone broke into her car and stole her wallet. (Uh, I hope her identity doesn't get stolen.) Anyway, I provide her with a new card and check out a computer to her, hand her the tab and tell her the computer number.

She looks at me really funny and then says, "I don't want a computer today."

Uh... didn't she just say she wanted to use a computer? Make up your mind please...


The Egg Wolfing, Exhausted Librarian

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