This has got to be the longest day I've ever had at the library. You'd think after the events of this morning that things were going to be pretty hectic around here. We opened up this morning doing all the usual things to prepare for our day. In comes our first patron with a library card that's as old as he is. While he's getting another one, I'm on the computer putting him in our system when he starts plotting all sorts of doom concerning computers and their worth--like how we are going to regret ever having them introduced into today's society, that they are going to be the world's ruin! " Even the President's going to suffer", he says because these things are going to literally blow up in our faces and "what are we going to do to retrieve all this valuable information?" He says these computers have made people in the world too lax & lazy. "You mark my words, young lady", he says, "it's gonna be a bad time, when all these things blow!" Then, he goes in and starts on my poor boss!!! We kept looking in on her 'cause she looked like she needed to be rescued from this man of doom. Finally, we faked a phone call for her and got rid of him! From then on, this day just reeked -- the BLAHS just took over and never left. Oh, well..............
The Fun Crafter
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