
So having been sick for a week with a freak headache has left me out of work and a bit rusty. I mean I can barely type it's crazy!!! Our poor new director is completely lost and thankful that I'm back. I'm glad to be back though I'm still not in my (right) mind.

If my day could be more of a dud, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry to all the patrons that are having to deal with my craziness today. (Especially Ms. C, I'm sorry I didn't get that book for you!!!) I've been warning my poor assistants and director that I'm on morphine. Yes, that all powerful drug and am feeling a bit of the dizzy, let's take a nap side of life.

I'm just hoping by next week I'll be back up to speed. So this is to all of your, "Thanks for being so patient with me!!!"


The Egg Wolfing, Exhausted Librarian

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