Phantom Patron

So there is a glitch in our computer software that I have been trying to rip out. (Most, if not all public libraries now use an automation system to allow a much easier access to books, reservations, and patron information (that's for us).) Unfortunately this phantom patron card is very sneaky. It seems that every time we try to check out a book to someone that has a zero in the mix of the number wants to automatically slip to this phantom patron.

Strangely enough someone has this card and I have little clue how in the world that is possible. But it seems that almost once a week it is used, and with consistence.

So I have little choice... good bye phantom patron... I'll miss ya'.



The Egg Wolfing, Exhausted Librarian

Rock Bottom Boredom

When you have nothing to do... what do you do?

I've been stratigically trying to figure out ways of trying to stave off boredom while making it look like I'm working. I've only come up with a few ideas.

1. Write on this blog. (HAHAHA!!)
2. Sleep with my eyes open.
3. Read a book and call it research.
4. Run around the library screaming FIRE!!!

Looking at the list, the last one is looking the most tempting... *evil grin*... be right back...


The Egg Wolfing, Exhausted Librarian

The Fisherman

Yesterday I'm sitting  here at my desk trying to stay awake {or actually trying to take a nap without anyone knowing) and in walks this guy.  Now I didn't notice him but boy could I smell him.  I thought I would look up and see a pile of raw fish as high as the desk.  No doubt about what he had been doing before coming to the library.  Now the burning question was how long could I hold my breath before passing out or would I just throw up.  I'm happy to report I can hold my breath much longer then I ever dreamed possible.  Please think about what you do before coming to the library.  After all you really don't want us to pass out from holding your breath much less can you see me explaining why I was throwing up.

The Stoic Librarian

The Book Fair

This is one of the most frightening time in a librarians life. It is the dreaded Scholastic's Book Fair. Now being the small insignificant library we are, having a book fair is explosive to us. Now unfortunately for me, I am the main dudette that has to take care of it. Dear lord save me!!!

This is a first for me, and if you don't know what you're doing, you kind of become the lost little puppy, leading little lost puppies. Now the interesting fact is, we only HOST the book fair, we do not own the books. (Though there are quite a few books I wouldn't mind owning. ^_^) So we have the fun time of making sure no one steals a book, or thinks they can simply check it out. It is especially fun making sure no kids decide to draw in them.

These fairs are only provided through schools or libraries, non-profit organizations and the like. They are fun, but at the same time we do fear the cloud of children that descend upon us.


The Egg Wolfing, Exhausted Librarian